
A More Elegant Necklace

In my previous post, I showed how to use rplacd to create a circular list with the elements of a given list. I used a "roving pointer", a reference to the last cell added to keep track of the next element to insert. There is a solution a little more elegant using a fold. The idea is to use the result of the fold as an accumulating parameter for the last element. This forces the fold to be a fold_left, and the resulting code is:

let necklace = function
| [] -> invalid_arg "necklace"
| h :: t ->
  let rec r = h :: r in
  List.tl (List.fold_left (fun p h ->
    let s = h :: r in
    ignore (rplacd p s);
    s) r t)

On return from the fold we get the last element of the list. Since it is circular, the element past the last one is the first, so we only need to take the tl. Of course, the alternative is to ignore the result of the fold_left, and simply return r.

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